
5月22日、竹野内真理、不起訴決定!Prosecutor not to indict Takenouchi ! Update May 22, 2014


On May 22, 2014, the Fukushima prosecutor called Takenouchi to tell that he will NOT INDICT Mari Takenouchi under criminal accusation by ETHOS leader, Ms.Ryoko Ando!


Thank you all who have helped disseminating my story!!



However, I consider this being at the starting point.  PM Abe says "There is no health hazards" while there are 89 thyroid cancer and suspected cases among kids in Fukushima and the government of Japan still promotes restarting of nuclear power plants while Fukui local court ordered injunction of Ohi NPP.


Since I started criticizing ETHOS, I have been harrassed by countless number of people, all the more after this criminal accusation case.  So I wrote an open question to the Ministries of Japan, regarding this case, children's need to evacuate, restart of nuclear power plants, and also murder by nuclear lobbies. 

I think it is time for us to ask questions direclty to the government to protect our children and future.

Please share the page below!



Please share the URLs below,too!
Information is the only weapon to protect our lives!

89人の甲状腺がんと安倍首相 Prime Minister Abe and 89 thyroid cancer kids

白血病が出ている! Leukemia is emerging!

エートス、原発、従軍慰安婦 ETHOS, nuclear power, comfort women

731部隊と広島、チェルノブイリ、福島 Unit 731, Hiroshima, Chernobyl, Fukushima

竹野内真理の海外記事 Overseas articles on Mari Takenouchi

7q11遺伝子検査を Conduct 7q11 gene test and evacuate kids!

原発と地震の問題含むIAEAへ質問 Questions to IAEA including nuclear and earthquake


5月22日、不起訴決定!May 22 Takenouchi was not indicted! Talk with the prosecutor



On the morning of May 23, I was surprised to see Ms. Ryoko Ando's tweets and Togetther site about me.


Her tweets expressed me as a criminal who has been doing horrendous things, and moreover, there was a word "Defer indictment" which I haven't heard from my prosecutor on May 22.


In order to check this Defer Indictment, I made a phone call immediately to the prosecutors' office and awaited for Mr. Masuhara's call back.


I received his phone call around noon May 23, and for the first time, I got to know this "Defer Indictment" was correct.  (Though it is the same as nonindictment, but I was not aware of the reasoning behind with this particular word, since Mr. Masuhara did not mention.)


On May 13, he indeed said that there could be a possibility of criminal contempt.


However, I didn't hear this word on May 22, so I told Mr. Masuhara that he should have used the same wording to Ms. Ando and me, since I hate being called as a lier.


In Ms. Ando's tweets, I am depicted as a person who slandered a third party man yelling. But I was shocked to see her passage.  I once made a phone call to Tokyo Medical Health University regarding Professor Nobuhiko Ban.


Professor Ban kept calling me Demarin, and more than that, he keeps saying that it is safe to live in Fukushima, even though he is actually an expert of leukemia and proved that animals can develop leukemia within 1~2 years after the radiation exposure due to aging of hematopoetic cells and alternation of Sfpi1 gene.



Without touching upon these things, Ms. Ando depicted me as a criminal, and right after the nonindictment, along with countless supporters, she has been slandering me.  If the prosecutor gives warning only to me under this situation, I told him that it is inevitable to think that the state power is behind this case.


"If the police and prosecutor investigate a single mother flying from Fukushima to Okinawa and do not conduct any investigation on TEPCO executives and give warning only to me under harrassement and further indict me as Ms. Ando still threatens, this will surely become the world top news. Foreign reporters are waiting right at this moment." I said.


The prosecutor has been saying that my activities are welcome and it is fine to criticize ETHOS.


After my assertion above, he showed understanding toward me and said, "I understand why you are angry.  I will let Ms. Ando know what you were saying."

そしてTogetterまとめを夕方再びみましたら安東氏から、ネット上の人々にあまり騒がないでほしいと言う旨のメッセージが入っていました。http://togetter.com/li/670760 検察官から電話を受けたのだと思います。

When I look at the togetter, Ms. Ando seems to have got some words from the prosecutor and told the slanderers not to criticize Ms. Takenouchi anymore, since it would be she that need to take the responsibilities.




I really do not want to get involved in any argument with Ms. Ando or her supporters.  I really want them to leave me alone.

My only goal is to save kids in contaminated areas!


On May 13, there was an investigation by the prosecutor Mr. Eiji Masuhara, Fukushima Local Prosecutors Office Iwaki Branch.


As Mr. Masuhara stated that police and prosecutors do not like the content of the investigation to be revealed to the public, so I will just put the short summary and what I said to the prosecutor.


As I wrote in my FB and twitter, Mr. Masuhara was quite nice to me, and he tried to be a very good lister.  Probably, I was speaking what I wanted to say 70 % of the time out of the 2 and a half hours' interrogation time.


What prosecutor Masuhara tried to emphasize was, "This is not a kind of case where you are being oppressed by the state power or whatsoever."


To this, I responded frankly.


"Even if you say so, if people look at what is going on objectively, it is inevitable they tend to imagine that the state power is oppressing a journalist and actually many people do think that way

Though no TEPCO executives have been visited by police or prosecutor, 3 policemen and a prosecutor fly to Okinawa from Fukushima to meet a freelance journalist who is a single mother.  Just by this plain fact, it is impossible to stop anyone from thinking that way."


"And while nobody has got indicted among those who seem to be responsible in TEPCO and the government, if I get indicted, this will surely become the world top news.  Even though the Japanese media are trying to stay away at this stage, already foreign journalists have been watching and this has been coming to a world news."



At the same time, the prosecutor Masuhara was quite considerate for Ms. Ryoko Ando, the director of Fukushima ETHOS as well,
"Her activities are for the people who cannot be evacuated,"
"She seemed to be an ordinary housewife."
"The wording in the tweet can be interpreted as contempt. Please refrain from saying anything that could be interpreted as slander against her."


So I said the following point.


The prosecutor said that Ms. Ryoko Ando looked like an ordinary housewife, but he should know that a person's outlook does not represent how he/she is actually. (Mr. Masuhara agreed on me.)



There have been so many internet harassers against me, but strangely, 100% of them are supportive and obedient to Ms. Ryoko Ando.   Usually, there could be some split or there should be someone who dislike both, but 100% of them are in this pattern. In that sense, she does not look like an ordinary house wife, but like a female boss. 

A while ago, there was a harrasser called @ohagiya who sexually assalted me on the net, and amazingly, @tmcyy sent out a defamation saying, "Ms. Takenouchi herself is a sexual harrassing woman" after @ohagiya's attack.  And amazingly, @tmcyy was conversing with Ms. Ando in a good terms right after that, which gave me a tremendous discomfort and skepticism.


Furthermore, Ms. Ryoko Ando even wrote her thesis over ETHOS discussing culture living in contaminated areas to the Health Physics Society's journal in Japanese. If we take a look at her thesis written in formal sentences, you would not believe she is just a housewife.

(The prosecutor did not seem to know this important fact and he was taking a memo.)


Her ETHOS thesis is listed in Fukushima ETHOS blog.

http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/news_data/h/h1/news4/2011/120310_2.htm この話は検察官にしませんでしたが、こちらで本名を使っているのか、上記の物理学会誌で本名を使っているのか、どちらがどっちか記憶があやふやになってしまい、検察の方にはもしかしたら「よく覚えていないけれど論文を書いたときに書き手の名前が同じでなかったような気がする。よく覚えていないのですが」と言ったのですが、京都大学アカデミックデイは本名の鎌田陽子氏の名前で出展し、一方、保健物理学会の方はエートスと同じ安東量子氏の名前で書いていたのでした。)

(By the way, though I didn't tell this to the prosecutor, she participated in the poster exhibition of Kyoto University Academic Day under her real name, Yoko Kamata along with Professor Yoshiyuki Mizuno from Kyoto Women's University.  I forgot whether she used her real name here or Health Physics Journal when I was talking to the prosecutor, and found out afterwards, she was using Ryoko Ando for Health Physics and for her activities in ETHOS and was using her real name Yoko Kamata for the Kyoto University Academic Day.)


To begin with, the Society of Health Physics is a society that gives assurance of permissible level or radiation to promote nuclear power.


What is worth noticing is that the Father of Health Physics, Mr. Karl Z Morgan himself criticized Health Physics Society and started to take the side of the radiation victims, such as downwinders in courts in later years.


The founder of Health Physics himself asserts that it is not good as it is, which is very important.


Here is his book in Japanese but the translation is hard to understand, so I also have his original book.


Speaking of Health Physics Society, I once attended their seminar more than 10 years ago and asked a question, "Isn't it a fact that leukemia has been increasing in Chernobyl?"  Then Ms. Tamiko Iwasaki, a member of the Society and also the scholar at National Institute of Radiological Studies, "There are some people who say so just by looking at fare skin of Russian children. They have fare skin from the beginning."



Ms. Tamiko Iwasaki is a member of supervisor of the text, "Basic Information on Radiation Risk" by which the government package toward returning Fukushima residents, which is so-called ETHOS Japan, promoted since February 2014.



Professor Nobuhiko Ban from Tokyo Health Medical University, who is close to Ms. Ryoko Ando and consulted each other regarding this criminal accusation, is also a board member of Health Physics Society and supervisor of the above text. 

Professor Nobuhiko Ban is an expert of leukemia, and in his study using animals, he found out the mechanism where mouse can develope leukemia only 1~2 years after the radiation exposure due to the aging hematopoetic cells and alternation of certain genes.


Ministry of Health stopped patients survey in Fukushima and south of Miygagi, but if we look at this graph here, we can see that the number of leukemia patients are on the increase even outside of these regions.


I would like to ask questions including these issues to the government of Japan. (The prosecutor said that it was fine that I did such activities if the target was the government.)http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp/2014/04/blog-post.html


Among others, I found the name of Dr. Masaharu Tsubokura, who said that he had read Dr. Bandazhevsky's paper stating 10Bq/kg bodily concentration of cesium start harming heart and wrote so in his own blog, but on the contrary, in the thesis of Tokyo University WBC team, he stated in the conclusion that Fukushima people were OK since most of them were exposed to less than 1mSv (=30000Bq/body=500Bq/kg even for 60kg adult! 5 times of low level radioactive waste!)



Tokyo University professor Ryugo Hayano, a colleague of Dr. Tsubokura has ignored my repeated questions, "What do you think of Dr. Bandazhevsky's finding stating that 10Bq/kg can start adverse effects on heart " "How do you consider his finding children's organs get a few times more cesium concentration compared to adults?"




私が 避難を呼びかけているのは、子供と妊婦であり、大人は自己責任だと思っています。大人に関しては、情報を得ようと思えば得られるはずで、その地にとどまるのであれば、それは彼らの選択であり、私の両親であっても松戸のホットスポットにいるが、彼らに避難せよとはひとつも言うつもりはありません。


I have been calling for evacuation only for children and pregnant women (fetus) and regarding adults, I think they can act based on their own responsibilities.  Adults can get information if they want and it is up to their choice and decision.  My parents are living in Matsudo, so-called a hotspot, but I have never thought of persuading them to be relocated.

However, things are totally different for children and pregnant women.  They are vulnerable to radiation dozens of times or even hundreds of times and they cannot have any option or raise any voice.  My activities are solely for the sake of them.


One time, a person called Megu-san on the net asked Ms. Ando, "Do you have any intention to let the Fukushima residents know about the law regarding pregnant working women in nuclear industry stating, "During pregnancy, they should not be exposed to more than 1mSv"?"  Then Ms. Ando solely ignored his question.  Why was that?



On top of that, in Chernobyl, it is a known fact that more genetic effects are shown among the third generation compared with the second generation. 

In regard to the effects on children and offsprings, former WHO advisor, Dr. Michel Fernex, M.D., also stated in his own book along with some geneticist.
(I was an interpreter for him when he gave a lecture in Japan in 2012.)

He also criticizes WHO which is obedient to pro-nuclear organization such as IAEA which conceals the real health hazards by radiation.

He also mentions about genetic effects of radiation in details though ICRP and IAEA do not admit genetic effects among human beings. http://takenouchimari.blogspot.jp/2013/02/blog-post.html

Summary of this book is included in my blog, including genetic effects of radiation.









Letter from Mari Takenouchi to Prosecutor 竹野内真理から福島の検察官への手紙 


The prosecutor will decide whether they will indict me or not within May, so please disseminate!

Mari Takenouchi’s Letter Sent to the Prosecutor Eiji Masuhara,

Fukushima Local Prosecutors Office Iwaki Branch

Dated on March 28, 2014



 (English translation half done 英訳途中)


My name is Mari Takenouchi under criminal accusation by ETHOS leader Ryoko Ando. Please allow me to write a letter to you.  I wanted to provide you some information and my letter to you.


My criticism against ETHOS solely came from my wish to save children in Fukushima.  When the Fukushima policemen came from Fukushima to Iwaki, they seem to have understood what I told them.



After that, on March 11, when the international NGO, Reporters Without Boarders wrote my story in English and French articles, so this issue is becoming an international news. http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2014/03/save-kids-japan.html


With this current trend, the lives and health of Fukushima children are at risk.  In fact I heard that there are multiple number of lymph nodes metastasis among 75 thyroid cancer kids in Fukushima.  Even Dr. Shunichi Yamashita wrote in his article of 2009 that 40% of Chernobyl children who had thyroid cancer operation had already had lymph nodes metastasis even though the size of the cancer was small.  As for this, I also wrote in the epilogue of the book, “Internal Exposure (Naibu Hibaku)” so please read it.  To my sadness, so-called radiation experts do not send out the correct information in Fukushima.


In addition, the incumbent mayor of Matsumoto City, Dr. Akira Sugenoya who used to work for Chernobyl medical support activities for 5 years, said in his book, “One out of 6 children who went through surgery had developed lung cancer.”  I later confirmed his remark through telephone conversation.

最近は白血病が出てきていることも聞いております。これらの健康問題については私のブログ、Save Kids Japanでも書かせてもらっております。エートスのアドバイザー的な学者である伴信彦教授が白血病の大家であるにもかかわらず、安東量子さんとネット上で私への刑事告訴を相談するくらいに親交深く、白血病が被曝後12年で遺伝子レベルと造血幹細胞の老化で発症することを知りながら、対外的には安全であると言っていることをとても悲しく思っているところです。http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2014/01/blog-post.html

Recently, I got to hear that leukemia is emerging.  I have been writing these health issue on my blog, Save Kids Japan.  Professor Nobuhiko Ban from Tokyo Health Medical University is very close to Ms. Ryoko Ando and he was consulting with her regarding the criminal accusation against me.  The same person is the renowned expert of leukemia development and he had found that leukemia could be developed only within 1 or 2 years after the exposure to radiation due to the alternation of particular gene and aging of hematopoetic stem cells. However, he has been disseminating that it is safe to live in Fukushima. I have been feeling extreme sadness when I got to be aware of serious facts. http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2014/01/blog-post.html


I truly believe we cannot wait any longer for protecting children’s health in Fukushima.  7q11 gene test, asserted by Mr. Tatsuhiko Kodama, should be conducted right away to identify whether the thyroid cancer was caused by radiation or not, and if that was proven, children in Fukushima should be evacuated right away.



However, most Japanese media including NHK do not report on Fukushima children’s health issues at all, and on the contrary, they are even airing propaganda programs for ETHOS. 

I am a freelance journalist, not belonging to any major media company, so I haven’t had much chances to send out my information on big media.  My journalistic activity base is quite limited, such as writing articles on alternative magazine or send out twitters. 

I used some strong words, but I think that was inevitable considering the graveness of the issue.  I asked Ms. Ryoko Ando for conversation a number of times, but I was blocked at an very early stage and got criminally accused, which really shocked me.


While the Japan ETHOS has been started in a full swing, if I get indicted and become guilty, health issue of Fukushima children would be ignored and the freedom of speech would be considerably restricted.  Then, we cannot protect children’s lives and health all the more.  I am truly concerned of such a worst case scenario.


Therefore, I truly ask for all the prosecutors to come to a fair decision not only for the sake of me but also for the sake of health problems of Fukushima children after the nuclear accident.


By the way, I have never met Ms. Yoko Kamata, the director of ETHOS before, but I feel quite mysterious about her.  In her letter, there is a sentence stating, “I came up with the name ETHOS.” But her advisor Mr. Jack Lochard lead ETHOS in Belarus from 1996, and gave a lecture on ETHOS in Hiroshima in 2000. http://www.irpa.net/irpa10/pdf/E11.pdf

 How could such a coincidence occur that Ms. Ryoko Ando named this program as ETHOS?



As for the fund as well, Ms. Ando insists that there is nothing to do with pro-nuke lobby, but she could not answer the question, “Who paid you to fly to Paris?” by a journalist Mr. Kolin Kobayashi on March 11 Closed ETHOS Seminar. http://echoechanges-echoechanges.blogspot.jp/2014/03/blog-post_11.html

(However, I do not have the confirmed evidence so far yet though Ms. Ando’s acts seem to be highly suspicious)


But one thing I can say for sure is that Jack Lochard leads CEPN, which is funded by French pro-nuclear lobbies, is connected with Fukushima ETHOS.

Most importantly, due to the ETHOS project in Belarus contaminated areas, seriously ill children's hospitalized number surged 10 times before the started of ETHOS program according to the local pediatrician.


Please read page 106 of the book called, "Crimes of International Nuclear Lobbies" by Kolin Kobayashi.  (Only in Japanese)

I extracted some information from Dr. Michel Fernex for the above information. When Dr. Fernex came to Japan, I was working as an interpreter for him.  I also stayed at his home before I went to IAEA to plea for saving Fukushima children.


 To understand ETHOS, the chapter 2 of the above book is a must read.  I also put some slips on the pages which should be read.  Probably you will be hearing stories from the side of Ms. Kamata, but I would like you to compare information from both sides for background information.


Besides his book, I am including my translated book of "The Petkau Effect." It may be too much work to read through, so I put the summary as well.  

But by reading, I hope you can realize that I am not just making a fuss irresponsibly over the radiation and health issues, but am raising my concerns based on the scientific grounds. 


 As I stated before, this case is not solely my own issue but also could affect hundreds of thousands, or millions of children in Fukushima and other contaminated areas in the future.

Accordingly, I wish you will give a good judgement over this case.


I assume that each prosecutor in your branch office has family and children.  I think sort of information I provide has never been reached to people in Fukushima, since I only send out my information through my blogs and twitters.

But I sincerely hope that my information could be of some use to protect you and your children not only myself.

Best regards,


Mari Takenouchi








































